• ژوئن 28, 2024 5:04 ب.ظ

اعلان کاریابی جدید سایت اکبر


The International Labour Organisation is implementing a STFA Funded project in Herat Province and the target is to train 20 females on GET Ahead as trainers.

Development of GET Ahead Training of Trainers

The Enterprise Development project would want to develop GET Ahead women trainers in the Herat Province. The candidates should demonstrate enthusiasm for starting a business, becoming an employer employ other women and improve own knowledge and skills and that of others to start a business. The training will address constraints hindering participation in economic empowerment activities.

The International Labour Office (ILO) has designed and tested responses to these challenges. Programmes like the ILO’s Gender & Entrepreneurship Together (GET Ahead) have demonstrated promising results in addressing both the demand and supply of business services for small enterprises.

GET Ahead is one of the largest global business management training programmes.  It helps small-scale entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses, as a strategy to create more and better employment for women.

Qualifying candidates will be selected to join the 7-day course “Gender & Entrepreneurship Together Training of Trainers course” and are expected to conduct training of entrepreneurs as part of the accreditation and certification process.

This ToT course is the first step in obtaining a GET Ahead trainer certification. It will be facilitated by a certified Master Trainer and will introduce participants to both the technical content of the relevant GET Ahead package and to adult learning methodologies.

The objective of this workshop is to enable GET Ahead training providers to develop long-term business models that will allow them to function independently financially while still maintaining service quality standards that facilitate entrepreneurial development. The course will enable the participants to:

  • Get a detailed understanding of the steps in introducing GET Ahead.
  • Understand the key differences in target groups and learning objectives of GET Ahead training packages.
  • Identify different strategies for marketing the services for specific target groups.
  • Know the best practices in managing a GET Ahead programme, including the monitoring and evaluation tools.

You are invited to submit your CV/Resume to [email protected]  email address and include the position title and Vacancy number: (GET Ahead ToT Workshop 001/Herat) in the subject of your email before 11/July/2024. Only CVs sent via the provided email address will be considered.

  • A selection committee chaired by the Master Trainer and staff of the ILO Project in Herat will select 20 female participants. The decision of the committee will be final and only selected candidates will be contacted.

[email protected]


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You are invited to submit your CV/Resume to [email protected]  email address and include the position title and Vacancy number: (GET Ahead ToT Workshop 001/Herat) in the subject of your email before 11/July/2024. Only CVs sent via the provided email address will be considered.

A selection committee chaired by the Master Trainer and staff of the ILO Project in Herat will select 20 female participants. The decision of the committee will be final and only selected candidates will be contacted.

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[email protected]

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