• ژوئن 29, 2024 5:06 ق.ظ

اعلان کاریابی جدید سایت اکبر

General Responsibilities Responsibilities and particular assignmentsمسؤلیت ها و وظایف مشخص  

  • Responsible for the overall case management of OPD SAM in HF. 

  • Preparation of OPD SAM monthly report join with HF in charge. 

  • Work closely with the medical doctor and other nutrition related staff in the organization and provision of nutrition services 

  • Ensure adequate nutritional commodities are available for nutrition services in HF. 

Objective 1: Objective 1هدف اول : 

Activités/Main duitesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده:  

  • According to official time attending HF. 

  • Admission of eligible children in the relevant program (SAM or MAM). 

  • Transferring children from to stabilization centre (TFU) according to criteria and health conditions 

  • Follow up of SAM/MAM cases and its treatment according to protocol.  

  • Ensure comprehensive assessment, Anthropometry ( complete screening) , health check-up and treatment according to the protocols for OPD MAM/SAM cases. 

  • Regular follow up of admitted children in program for  weight gaining.  

  • Ensuring appetite test for all new and reattendance cases (MAM/SAM)  

Objective 2: Objective 2هدف دوم: 

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده: 

  • Filling the treatment card, Ration card for all new and reattendance children. 

  • filling register and other documents properly for the admitted children. 

  • Ensure filling system following correct and properly  

  • Strengthening referral system between health facilities and follow up of referral cases.  

Objective 3هدف سوم : 

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده: 

  • Providing health and nutrition education  to mothers and children. 

  • Providing massages on the nutritional food during distribution (Usage, keeping, Hygiene). 

  • Encourage care taker to feed their children as child need 

Objective 4هدف چهارم  

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده: 

  • Updating stock cards and requesting for nutrition commodities supply 

  • Helping with other staff on the Performing food demonstration sessions on regular base. 

Objective 5هدف پنجم  

    Activités/Main duitesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده: 

  • Coordination with CHS, CNT, HP and community elders for the defaulter follow up and referral of malnourished cases 

  • Participation in training which requested by office.  

Dear candidates,  

To apply for this vacancy, please use the following link:   


If the link above does not work by clicking on it, please copy and paste it in the browser address bar.  

Make sure to press submit at the end of the application.  

Please note:  

You are allowed to apply only before the closing date  

Only the candidates who meet the mandatory qualifications/requirements will be considered for the longlist  

A maximum of 15 best candidates from the ones who meet the mandatory qualifications/requirements (longlist) will be invited for a technical test (shortlist)  

If you are not invited for a technical test within a month’s period of time, please consider that your application was not considered for this vacancy  

Validated copies of academic certificates/diplomas will be requested only if called for an interview. 



Job Location:


راهنمای ارسال:

Dear candidates,  

To apply for this vacancy, please use the following link:   


If the link above does not work by clicking on it, please copy and paste it in the browser address bar.  

Make sure to press submit at the end of the application.  

Please note:  

You are allowed to apply only before the closing date  

Only the candidates who meet the mandatory qualifications/requirements will be considered for the longlist  

A maximum of 15 best candidates from the ones who meet the mandatory qualifications/requirements (longlist) will be invited for a technical test (shortlist)  

If you are not invited for a technical test within a month’s period of time, please consider that your application was not considered for this vacancy  

Validated copies of academic certificates/diplomas will be requested only if called for an interview. 

خلص صوانح را به نشانی ذیل بفرستید

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